Scoil Náisiúnta Réalt na Mara Réalt na Mara National School

Mill Street, Dundalk, Co Louth, A91 TD3H

(042) 9327230
Principal: Mr Phil McCaul

Realt Na Mara National School Front photo

Acceptable Use of the Internet

 1. Background

As part of its integration of Information Technology into the classroom, Réalt na Mara School has introduced Internet access into its learning curriculum. It is possible that many parents may be concerned about a range of issues that Internet access will open up, in particular

  • the types of information to which their children will have access to,

  • the manner in which access will be controlled.

This policy has been developed to address these issues, and aims to provide all members of Réalt na Mara School with a structured approach to the use of the Internet at school.

2. Internet Access

  • Use of the Internet by students at Réalt na Mara School will be for educational purposes only. Access to the Internet will be used for research, project and learning activities directly related to the curriculum.
  • Pupils and their parents will be asked to sign an Agreement on Internet usage. This agreement will aim to ensure that parents and pupils are aware of their responsibilities with regard to appropriate use of the Internet.
  • Access to the Internet will be supervised at all times to ensure that it is being used appropriately, and to prevent pupils from accessing inappropriate materials. Where possible technological solutions will be used to ensure that pupil access is limited to relevant materials.
  • Pupils will only be able to download a file under the direct supervision of teaching staff.
  • All computers connected to the Internet have anti-virus software installed, with the latest virus definitions.

3. Electronic Mail

  • All electronic messages such as e-mail will be approved by teaching staff before being transmitted by pupils.
  • Personal information such as pupil’s full names, home address and home telephone numbers will not be sent via e-mail.
  • E-mail will be used only as a means of exchanging information.
  • Pupils must immediately tell a teacher if they receive any offensive e-mail.

4. Implementation Policy

  • Pupils will sign an Internet Use Code of Conduct form, which will be counter-signed by their teacher and parent/guardian.
  • Pupils must abide by the “Internet Access Pupil Code of Conduct”, and a copy of same will be on view beside each computer.

5. Sanctions

  • Misuse of the Internet may result in disciplinary action, including written warnings, withdrawal of access privileges and, in extreme cases, suspension or expulsion. The school also reserves the right to report any illegal activities to the appropriate authorities.